The Mansfield is a workhorse of a stove. It can provide up to 14 hours of sustained heat on a single load of wood. Producing up to 80,000 BTUs, it can tackle the coldest of climates and keep your entire home warm and comfortable, even when you’re out enjoying the snow all day long, or are too pooped to get out of bed and put a fresh log on the fire in the middle of the night.
3.2 cubic foot firebox; extra wide door
Holds up to 64 lbs. of wood. The Mansfield’s deep firebox allows logs up to 21" in length to be accommodated straight in or side-to-side for easy loading.
Single air-intake lever/stove controlStove operation is easy; performance more consistent
Open and close ash grate and removable ash drawer
Easy, clean ash removal; pan can be removed while fire is still burning.
Unmatched fire viewing
Air entering the firebox through the stove’s secondary air tubes ignites the gases rising off the burning wood. The resulting light and flames provide dazzling fire viewing, even when the fire is burning at a low rate.
Non-catalytic combustion system
Clean burning, more complete combustion provides more heat from less wood, greater efficiency; reduced smoke and creosote build-up.
Outside air adapter (optional)
Improved efficiency in today’s newer "airtight" homes; reduces cold air drafts along the floor.
Rear heat shield (optional)
Allows more placement options; stove can be installed closer to a wall because clearance requirements are reduced; creates a convection passageway between shield and back of stove to allow fan to circulate air through house.
Fan with built-in thermostat and rheostat (optional)
Helps spread heat evenly throughout home; fan operates only when stove is at significant heat level. The rheostat controls fan speed. Use of rear heat shield is required.