How to Spook Up Your Decor Using Wood Pallets

Wood Pallet Repurpose Project for Halloween DecorationThe leaves are changing, the days are shorter, the air is crisp, and costumes are flying off shelves. We like to call this time of year HeArTh-O-wEeN! Lots of spooky decorations are everywhere, but did you know you can use that your leftover wood pallets from your delivery to really kick it up a notch?

Read >> Halloween Wood Pallet Decorations

Here’s a new one – an Underground Dungeon Illusion! You only need a little time and a few provisions to make it.

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$300 Biomass Federal Tax Credit Expiring

Biomass Tax CreditAre you eligible for the $300 Biomass Federal Tax Credit? It’s a $300 dollar-for-dollar tax credit for purchasing a qualifying biomass-burning stove between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2016. To make sure yours meets the 75% efficiency rating requirement, just check with your retailer.

You’re able to claim this credit as long as the stove was installed in your principal residence. This is the home you live in most of the time. It must be in the United States, and it can include a house, houseboat, mobile home, cooperative apartment, condominium, and a manufactured home. New construction and rentals do not apply. 

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Why Your Pellet Stove Won’t Ignite, Stay Lit, Feed Pellets, Etc.

Why Your Pellet Stove Won’t Ignite, Stay Lit, Feed Pellets, Etc.There are many different brands and styles of wood pellet stoves – so the best way to start learning about your particular stove is to read the entire manual. If you’re a new pellet stove owner, or have switched to a different model – it could take some trial and error to learn the right process for your home.

You might be surprised to learn that many common issues pellet burners face with their stoves can be solved with making some adjustments. Again – start to troubleshoot and learn by reading your manual! It has the best stove-specific advice on operation, maintenance, recommendations and best practices.

Take a look at our quick cheat sheet below to review the pellet stove problems we hear about the most.

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