Welcome to the Stove Finder!

You’ve come to the right place to research and compare clean, green, affordable biomass heating systems. Not sure where to begin? We've segmented the many different heating systems into three main categories to help you get started.

Click below to find the right system for your home and your budget!

Looking For a Pellet Stove?

Browse a selection of wood pellet stoves and pellet fireplace inserts to find what’s right for you.

Wood pellet heat is affordable, efficient, domestically produced, and eco-friendly. Wood pellet stoves and fireplace inserts boast efficient ratings of 85% or higher, so you’ll get enjoy more heat using a renewable resource. Good for your wallet, the local economy, and the environment!

Use our Pellet Stove Finder to compare hundreds of pellet stoves!

  Looking For a Wood Stove?

Browse a selection of wood stoves and wood fireplace inserts to find what’s right for you.

Wood stoves and fireplaces are the original green heating systems. Plentiful natural resource means you have a reliable supply of sustainably harvested fuel, and advances in technology mean you’ll get more heat out of your wood-burning stove than ever. You can burn cordwood or biomass bricks in wood heating systems for a cozy, efficient warmth your whole family will love!

  Looking For a Central Heating System?

Browse a selection of wood-burning and wood pellet furnaces and wood pellet boilers to find what’s right for you.

Interested in switching to a biomass central heating system? By installing a wood-burning or wood pellet furnace or boiler – either into your existing ductwork or to new lines – you’ll enjoy the efficiency gains and cost savings of wood or wood pellet heat, and the set-it-and-forget-it benefits of central heat!